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Back in the late 1990s, there were serious concerns about how long the CPP would be able to continue paying benefits. Indeed, the Office of the Chief Actuary of Canada projects the CPP Fund is sustainable for the next 75 years.

Hard work was done to fix this, including creation of CPP Investments to invest contributions. But 20 years later, a majority of Canadians still believe the CPP Fund is running out of money and won’t be there for them.

Public trust has stayed low and people’s perceptions remain 20 years behind the times.

That’s troubling and CPP Investments’ public awareness effort, which includes this website as well as some digital and television advertising, aims to help demystify some common misconceptions.

So, let’s look at a few of those more common myths:

Myth – CPP is bankrupt, or will be soon.

Reality – Two decades ago, the CPP was unsustainable. But federal and provincial governments made changes, including creating CPP Investments, to fix that Today, the CPP is sustainable and secure for future generations.

Myth – The government tells CPP Investments how to invest.

Reality – In fact, CPP Investments operates independently of government on an arm’s-length basis. Our investment teams make decisions about what goes in our portfolio based on CPP Investments’ statutory mandate, which requires us to invest in the best interest of CPP contributors and beneficiaries.

Myth – CPP contributions can be used by the government for purposes other than CPP.

Reality – The money you pay into CPP can only be used to fund the CPP and pay CPP benefits. It cannot be used for any other purpose, such as building roads or funding cultural programs.

Myth – CPP will pay for my whole retirement.

Reality – Depending on how much you contribute, CPP can pay up to about one-quarter of an average worker’s salary. In coming years, that will increase to one-third. In 2016, federal and provincial governments decided to enhance the CPP to create a stronger foundation for Canadians’ retirements. As the investment manager of the CPP Fund, CPP Investments is responsible for prudently investing the additional contribution amounts arising from the enhancement to the CPP. Other government pension sources include Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Personal savings, including Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Tax Free Savings Accounts, as well as workplace pensions, are the other most common sources of retirement income.

Here at CPP Investments, we’re proud of the work we do, every day, to help ensure the CPP will be there for you when you retire – and for your children, and their children.

CPP Investments, investing today for your tomorrow.

The content on this site is provided for information purposes only. CPP Investments is not a financial advisor, and the content on this site does not provide financial advice. Every person’s financial planning needs are different. For advice on how you should prepare financially for retirement, please consult a credentialed professional financial advisor.


Every three years, Canada’s Chief Actuary conducts an independent review of the sustainability of the CPP over the next 75 years. Its latest review reaffirmed that each part of the CPP remains sustainable at the legislated contribution rates. Learn more.

Back in the late 1990s, there were serious concerns about how long the CPP would be able to continue paying benefits. Indeed, the Office of the Chief Actuary of Canada projects the CPP Fund is sustainable for the next 75 years. Hard work was done to fix this, including creation of CPP Investments to invest contributions. But 20 years later, a majority of Canadians still believe the CPP Fund is running out of money and won’t be there for them. Public trust has stayed low and people’s perceptions remain 20 years behind the times. How does CPP Investments assess the impact of ESG factors? That’s troubling and CPP Investments' public awareness effort, which includes this website as well as some digital and television advertising, aims to help demystify some common misconceptions. So, let’s look at a few of those more common myths: Myth – CPP is bankrupt, or will be soon. Reality – Two decades ago, the CPP was unsustainable. But federal and provincial governments made changes, including creating CPP Investments, to fix that Today, the CPP is sustainable and secure for future generations. Myth – The government tells CPP Investments how to invest. Reality – In fact, CPP Investments operates independently of government on an arm’s-length basis. Our investment teams make decisions about what goes in our portfolio based on CPP Investments' statutory mandate, which requires us to invest in the best interest of CPP contributors and beneficiaries. Myth – CPP contributions can be used by the government for purposes other than CPP. Reality – The money you pay into CPP can only be used to fund the CPP and pay CPP benefits. It cannot be used for any other purpose, such as building roads or funding cultural programs. Myth – CPP will pay for my whole retirement. Reality – Depending on how much you contribute, CPP can pay up to about one-quarter of an average worker’s salary. In coming years, that will increase to one-third. In 2016, federal and provincial governments decided to enhance the CPP to create a stronger foundation for Canadians’ retirements. As the investment manager of the CPP Fund, CPP Investments is responsible for prudently investing the additional contribution amounts arising from the enhancement to the CPP. Other government pension sources include Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Personal savings, including Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Tax Free Savings Accounts, as well as workplace pensions, are the other most common sources of retirement income. Here at CPP Investments, we’re proud of the work we do, every day, to help ensure the CPP will be there for you when you retire – and for your children, and their children. CPP Investments, investing today for your tomorrow. The content on this site is provided for information purposes only. CPP Investments is not a financial advisor, and the content on this site does not provide financial advice. Every person’s financial planning needs are different. For advice on how you should prepare financially for retirement, please consult a credentialed professional financial advisor. FAQs Will the CPP be there for Canadians when they retire? Every three years, Canada’s Chief Actuary conducts an independent review of the sustainability of the CPP over the next 75 years. Its latest review reaffirmed that each part of the CPP remains sustainable at the legislated contribution rates. Learn more.
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