Travelers Agree This Is The Best Seat For A Red-Eye Flight

Some people prefer red-eye flights because they get them to their destination in time for a full day of fun. Others take them because they can just sleep the flight away, they're often cheaper, or there aren't any other options for their destination. If you're not one of those lucky people who can nap through just about anything, you may wonder about the best seat on the plane if you're going to have to take a red-eye flight.


While many travelers choose the aisle seat on a plane during a normal flight with easy access to the bathroom and a little more space for at least one of your arms, on a red eye, it's not the best spot. A window seat should be your chair of choice. One user on Reddit said, "Yep, definitely window. It's a redeye." Another said, "I always pick window for red eyes so I can lean up to and sleep against the wall. "

While there are a few drawbacks to a window seat, like having to ask your row-mates to get up to use the restroom, it's the perfect spot for a nap or even a full night's sleep. That's not the only thing to watch for when picking a seat for a red-eye flight, however. Plus, there are some things you can bring with you to help you get some z's thousands of miles above the ground. 


Things to know about picking the right seat for a red-eye flight

Window seats are ideal because no one is going to be shaking you awake to get out of their own seat. It can also help with getting some sleep because you have a wall to lie against, and only one arm has to fight for an armrest. If you get lucky and there is no one in your row but you, lying flat can be an option. You can usually raise those armrests as well. Keep your seatbelt on, of course, or the flight attendant is going to wake you up to do so. If you have a blanket, make sure the seatbelt is buckled over it for the same reason. 


Even if you're choosing a window seat, where it sits on the plane is something to take into consideration as well. Seats near the bathrooms will have a lot of activity and distraction that can be an issue if you're trying to sleep. There may be people queuing for their turn to freshen up, or heading to the area to ask the flight attendant questions or for snacks. The sound of the flushing toilet isn't going to help, and neither is the extra light. Another spot to avoid is the exit row. They often have more room, but the seats sometimes don't recline. If you're not lying flat, a little tilt can help you feel like it's bedtime.
