Lee Adams

Photo of Lee Adams
Brno, Czechia
Suffolk College (UK)
Czech Republic, Central & Eastern Europe, Expat Life
  • Lee caught the travel bug in his teens. He has backpacked extensively around Central and Eastern Europe and visited many other destinations.
  • He moved to Brno, Czech Republic, to begin a new life in 2009. As a long-term expat, he has faced all kinds of challenges, from starting a family in another country to sourcing creature comforts from back home.
  • Lee is relishing the opportunity to write about his passion for travel for Islands.


Lee joined Static Media in 2021. In addition to writing for Islands, he has also written for Explore. Lee started his professional writing career in 2017 after blogging and reviewing online for many years. He has also written for the Brno Expat Centre and Brno Daily, covering many topics for English-language readers, including cinema, theater, family activities, and social issues. Lee is the co-founder of the Brno Writers Group and the Brno Short Story Writing Competition.


Lee studied film at a degree level before departing to take a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate in Prague, Czech Republic. Teaching didn't stick, but his experience in the city sparked a long-term love for the country he would eventually make his home.

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Our editors consistently review and update articles to ensure they're providing current, relevant, and useful information. Complete information on our editorial process is available here.

Stories By Lee Adams